Seedlings™ by LIVIN farms, a groundbreaking solution tailored for our factory clients and beyond.

Seedlings™ are freshly hatched neonate of BSF larvae that are suspended in their developmental stage, allowing us to pre-dose and package them according to customer requirements. This suspension method ensures their freshness and high survivability for several days.


Our advanced robotic dosing system precisely administers Seedlings™ on-site within our factories. By adopting this solution, insect factories can significantly reduce operational costs and mitigate risks associated with in-house breeding. This enables them to focus on rearing and processing operations while we manage the neonate supply.

Seedlings™ show high performance and are dosed to your custom specifications

Seedlings™ exhibit exceptional performance, with a guaranteed 90% survivability rate and consistently faster growth and higher yields compared to traditional methods. Moreover, they can be customized to suit specific rearing methods, accommodating variations in feed density and larvae density requirements.

Seedlings™ tailored to be dosed with the LIVIN farms Tray Handling System

Our Seedlings™ packages are designed for seamless integration with the LIVIN farms Tray Handling System. This automated system dispenses Seedlings™ into pre-rearing trays, facilitating efficient processing. After pre-rearing, the young larvae are homogenized and dosed into rearing trays at any desired larvae count, providing unparalleled flexibility in rearing and processing operations. For further details, refer to the Technology section.